
Monday, November 7, 2011

How to Make Crispy Tofu?

Crispy tofu
There are many ways to cook tofu. As long as you are creative and know very well what your family member likes, it will not difficult to find idea about how to make a new creation of tofu. To make crispy tofu is very simple and easy. Try this recipe below if you want to taste new recipe of tofu.

  1. White big tofu, choose good quality of tofu and then slice the tofu 5 cm x 3 cm x 2 cm)
  2. Eggs, 2
  3. Flour, 200 gram
  4. Bread flour, 200 gram
  5. Salt, ½ teaspoon.
  6. Onions, 4

How to make crispy tofu
  1. Soak the tofu into the seasoning (blend ¼ teaspoon salt and 2 onions and then pour little bit of water).
  2. Mix the egg with 2 onions and ¼ teaspoon of salt.
  3. Roll the tofu which have seasoned with ingredients into flour and then let it free.
  4. Soak the tofu which have rolled into flour into the egg. Afterward, lift it and roll it again into the bread flour. For the best result you can do this step once again.
  5. Fry the tofu in the hot pain and wait until you get golden color.
  6. Lift the crispy tofu.
  7. You can eat crispy tofu by hot chili pepper or by tomato sauce.

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